Class of 2020
BS Computer Science

Aspiration Statement

“I aim to pursue game development, either as an indie developer or with an organized team. My interest lies especially in developing non-trivial, artificially intelligent non-playable characters (NPCs) that can mimic human actions. My other passions include sketching and drawing, along with playing online games.”

Core Skills

  • C++, C#, C
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Android Development
  • Unity Game Development

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Best Interdisciplinary Final Year Project (Kaavish) Award (Jul 2020)
  • Crowd Favorite Epiphany Game Jam (Dec 2020)


Internship / Volunteer Work

  • Unity Developer - Royal Cyber Inc.
  • Unity Developer - The Game Storm Studios (Pvt.) Ltd.
  • Unity Game Developer - Caracal Conclave Studios

Publications / Creative Projects

  • Game Jam – Cyberpunk Jam 2019: Participated in the platform against 62 teams. Worked in a cross-functional team as the lead programmer. Created a Mariolike platformer from scratch in a one-week time constraint
  • Artificial Intelligence: Designed, integrated and tested A* pathfinding algorithm to work alongside a trained neural network in a custom made 2D game in Unity

Final Year Project

Project Title

Simulating Complex Human Behavior via Goal-Oriented Action Planning


The project is about simulating complex human behavior in a game setting using a contemporary AI technique known as GOAP (Goal-Oriented Action Planning). This technique (with minor modifications) is used in some of the best known games such as F.E.A.R, Shadow or Mordor among others. The aim of this project is to develop a dynamic system where the agents’ require set of actions to reach the end-goal, would be dependent on the current worldconditions. On completion, this system can be used to solve many problems, provided with a world-setting and its constraints, the system would choose the best sequence of actions out of many possible sequences, required to reach the end-goal.

Project Pictures